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Public Programmes of Kotodama ​

Jul 14, 2018
Aug 26, 2018

July 14 | 3:00pm
(Re)constructing mother tongues: experience in the Sinosphere
Panel discussion by Okui Lala (artist), Tang Kwok-hin (artist), and Law Lok Man, Louise (Executive Director of Fleurs des lettres magazine)
Moderated by André Chan
This session will be conducted in English

To kickstart the program, this panel will discuss the connections between language and the construction of national identity, particularly within the East Asian cultural sphere.


July 25  | 7:00pm
Screening of Rhymes of Shui Hau 
A film by Chan Ho Lun
2017| Colour | 50 mins | Cantonese, Wai Tau Waa with Chinese and English subtitles
Q&A session with Chloe Lai and André Chan
This session will be conducted in Cantonese

This special screening offers a glimpse of Hong Kong prior to its industrialisation and urbanisation, and charts the race to preserve disappearing rural songs. The film features three elderly ladies from the village of Shui Hau situated on Lantau Island, humming rhymes in Wai Tau Waa, an almost extinct dialect of Cantonese.


August 8 | 7:00pm
Chinese Hill Billies
Lecture performance by Alex Yiu

This session will be conducted in English. The lecture performance investigates the relationship between sound and identity in Richmond, Vancouver’s Chinatown. It departs from the uncertain origins of the song Red River Valley, known under different titles and sung in different languages throughout the decades. In his performance, Yiu focuses on a particular event, when the song was performed in the largest Chinese restaurant in the city in 1939, by a band formed by Chinese immigrants, the first of its kind.


August 25 | 4:00pm
Performance by Talents Displaced

During the last weekend of the exhibition, a special performance by Talents Displaced will take place. Talents Displaced was founded in 2016 by a group of asylum seekers and refugees living in Hong Kong.


Public Tours
A series of public tours hosted by the curator of Kotodama, André Chan, will provide insight into the ideas and processes behind the exhibition at Para Site.

July 14

August 11

August 25



Para Site Art Space is financially supported by the Art Development Matching Grants Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

The content of these activities does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

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