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In Search of Miss Ruthless : Curator Tours

Jul 23, 2017
Sep 10, 2017

Curator Tours

July 23, 2:00 pm (English)
August 19, 1:00 pm (English)
August 26, 1:00 pm (Mandarin)
September 10, 1:00 pm (Cantonese)

About Miss Ruthless

Miss Ruthless is a fantasy figure of popular support that can represent “our beautiful Hong Kong up on the world stage,” as sung in Hong Kong Our Home. The search for Miss Ruthless began at Para Site in the summer of 2017. Drawing on the depths of diasporic souls and taking pageantry as method, Miss Ruthless is international and her presence is writ in universal history. Following poet Helene Cixous, we ask of Miss Ruthless: What if she were alive? What if, in looking at her, we animated her?

Website: ruthless.international 
Instagram: @ruthless.international
Facebook: facebook.com/ruthlessfans

About the public programmes

In Search of Miss Ruthless sets the stage for a public persona from the future. This series of public programmes reflects on diasporic communities and pageant infrastructures through discussions, screenings, performances, and workshops. Public programmes are developed and co-produced with the generous support of Spring Workshop. Additional support was provided by the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art.

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