Para Site is pleased to present the public programmes for Imagine there’s no country, Above us only our cities, the exhibition on view through September 6.
Delving deeper into the various ideas explored in the exhibition, Universal Art World Adapter consists of two panel discussions that look at ways in which artists and cura-tors express their ideas through different practices. The discussions question how the diversity of role playing among art professionals affects the definitions of those professions and disciplines, and how one can activate from within the cultural industry framework and invent strategies of critique using a variety of media, including the exhibition format. For the first session, curator Jims Lam together with artists Luke Ching and Lam Tung Pang, look into the relationships between artists and communities, and how through collaboration, participation, and immersion, artists are able to respond to the specific needs of communities and broaden audience participation.
The second session, together with Clara Cheung (co-director of C&G Artpartment), South Ho (100 ft Park), and Tang Kwok Hin, explores the various functions amongst art professionals on how to define the new role of artist/curator/producer in con-temporary art production.
Event details:
Universal Art World Adapter
Date: August 20, Thursday
Time: 6.30 – 8pm
Panelists: Luke Chin Wai Ching, Jims Lam Chi Hang, Lam Tung Pang
Language: Cantonese
#deconstruction #observer #onemanproject #藝術館保安入門 #時鐘酒店搞展覧 #做大project又有咩好怕喎
Date: August 26, Wednesday
Time: 6.30 – 8pm
Panelists: Clara Cheung (C&G Artpartment), South Ho (100ft Park), Tang Kwok Hin
Language: Cantonese
#qualitycontrol #primitive #selfrunspace #superman #散打王 #藝術界千手觀音 #自己空間自己搞 #使咩去勞工處